John Glaze is Featured on the Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) of Greater Houston Podcast. Listen now!

John Glaze is Featured on TheABCast

John Glaze, founder and president of Fast Track Specialties’, shares his life lessons, leadership experience, and advice on The ABCast. The ABCast is a podcast for the industrial and commercial contractor community and brought to you by Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) of Greater Houston. 

John is currently ABC’s 2022 chair-elect and highly involved in The Construction & Maintenance Education Foundation (CMEF),  Political Action Committee (PAC), and The Diversity & Inclusion Committee (D&I) with ABC of Greater Houston. He believes sharing your industry knowledge,  getting involved in your community, and learning about other cultures and backgrounds will only strengthen your management style. John describes how he left his family’s business to build Fast Track Specialties, the struggles he experienced, and the lessons he learned along the way.

Listen to the full podcast here